19 Best Pickleball Drills For Beginners

19 Best Pickleball Drills For Beginners

Are you ready to up your pickleball game and take your skills to the next level? Whether you’re a beginner or a seasoned player, drills are a crucial component of improving your game.

But with so many drills out there, it can be overwhelming to know where to start. That’s why we’ve rounded up the best pickleball drills for beginners that are sure to improve your footwork, agility, and overall gameplay.

So grab your paddle and let’s get started!

Why Pickleball drills are important?

Pickleball drills are important because they help players develop and improve their skills and technique in a controlled and repetitive manner. By practicing drills regularly, players can train specific movements, shots, and strategies that are necessary to excel in the sport.

Here are some reasons why pickleball drills are important:

Skill development:

Pickleball drills allow players to focus on developing specific skills such as footwork, ball control, and shot placement. By practicing these skills in a structured way, players can improve their overall technique and become more confident on the court.

Muscle memory:

Consistent practice of pickleball drills can help players develop muscle memory, which is the ability of the body to automatically perform certain movements without conscious thought. This can help players react faster and more accurately during actual game play.


Pickleball drills can also be used to improve a player’s physical conditioning, including endurance, agility, and speed. By incorporating drills that require intense physical effort, players can build stamina and increase their overall fitness level.


Many pickleball drills involve working with a partner or a teamwork, which can help players develop communication, cooperation, and trust. These skills are essential for playing doubles, where players need to work together to cover the court and make strategic decisions.

We have also reviewed some best pickleball books that will help you take your game to next level.

Top pickleball drills for beginners

Meanwhile, the drill plays an important role for a pickle player. The practice will increase the player’s ability to attack and defend from the opponent. Now let’s find the sweet spot for a beginner to train, hitting different strokes.

Drill # 1 – Start slow

Meanwhile, as a beginner, it is essential to start slow. This means that you have to practice a simple drill. Further, this also means learning different angles of your paddle since different spots provide additional control.

This needs practice hitting the ball and keeping the ball from bouncing on the ground. You can practice this by hitting the ball up in the air. When players start to attempt this drill, the ball might fall on the floor at times.

Drill # 2 – Experiment Position

When you have practiced hitting, now it’s time to explore the easy drill. Instead of hitting the same spot, you can experiment with the positions. This will make you aware of the competitive angles.

Perform this drill away from breakable things. The most appropriate would be a large location so you can ultimately focus on the drill only.

Drill # 3 – Accurate Placement Drill

Pickleball performance is enhanced by using the proper foot and body balance. You can only score points when you have reasonable control over your body. Because, at times, you have to play many uncomfortable shots.

You need to practice the movement to be able to catch difficult shots.

To perform this exercise, begin by facing forward. Turn your right knee and toes slowly to the right, then your left knee and toes.

No matter what, you have to maintain flexibility in your left toe to facilitate effortless movement. Practice elevating your paddle to strike the ball from there.

Use a similar strategy for the left toes as well. The accurate placement drill is a good way to develop your muscle memory and train them.

In no time, you will notice a significant difference in your technique if you practice consistently.

Drill # 4 – Transition zone

One person should be placed approximately only half the court between the kitchen line and the baseline.

Leave the other person in the kitchen across the court. The person in the transition zone should drive the ball fairly strongly in the direction of the person in the kitchen.

Meanwhile, you can practice pickleball with many other pickleball drills. But this drill adds a lot to your knowledge for hitting the cross-court.

However, the person in the kitchen should concentrate on blocking. This means he should allow the ball to strike the paddle rather than swinging the paddle toward the ball.

So that their ball misses the net, this exercise teaches and clarifies the circumstances under which you would want to employ these pickleball skills.

Drill # 5 – Groundstrokes Drill

In pickleball, a shot made after the ball has rebounded off the floor is referred to as a groundstroke. Sometimes there are difficult angles for the groundstrokes. But if you practice consistently, then you can deal with these groundstrokes.

Ground stroke drill requires the player to speed and focus on the ball. After one ball bounce, the player has to respond quickly and hit the ball at the right time. Now the ground stroke can be practiced with a partner as well as without a partner.

Drill # 6 – Drill With Partner

Basically, two people are required to practice hitting this drill. Stand on the opposite sides and start aiming at the opposite side of the net. But you have to make sure that the ball should bounce before it hits the ground.

Two people are necessary because this will create pressure in practice sessions.

Additionally, this will be helpful for both players to improve their pickleball skills. Make sure the ball bounces before you strike back.

Drill # 7 – Drill With a Wall

At times, people are alone and have no partner standing by their side. On the alternate side, you can practice pickleball yourself.

For this, you will need a wall without any hindrance. Make sure the wall is plain for the wall drills. In this way, the ball will bounce back properly.

Further, you can improve your ground stroke skills by hitting the ball toward the wall at an angle. The ball will bounce back, so you can use your paddle to hit it again toward the wall.

Beginners might be curious about what if they directly play pickleball in the competition. Playing with the wall might sound boring, but this will enhance your muscle memory and better response.

Drill # 8 – Forehand Groundstrokes

A player’s standard forehand groundstroke is striking the ball with their dominant side. Meanwhile, the dominant side is the only one side you use to play the game.

Consequently, if you play right-handed, you will use the forehand shot. Further, if you are left-handed, you will use the backhand shot.

In this shot, you will lead with the palm of your hand. Most players prefer this shot over the backhand because you may lead with the palm of your hand as opposed to the back of your hand with the backhand.

Moreover, try to hit it from around a distance of 10 feet from the wall.

Drill # 9 – Advance Practicing

You can get farther away from the wall as you get more skilled. To ensure that the ball reaches you at a good height, you will need to smash harder the ball high. It will go further after hitting each player before bouncing. As you get further from the wall, you require a more powerful shot turn and follow through.

By advancing your lead foot, you should focus on angling your toes slightly forward. Hit the ball slightly ahead of your body with your knees bent.

Drill # 10 – Backhand shots

Set up like you normally would for a forehand shot, using all the same principles as before. Meanwhile, the only difference this time, you will be hitting the ball with your left side and guiding the paddle with the back of your hand.

You can correctly carry on the backhand shots if you catch the right technique while practicing.

Drill # 11 – Better Aiming Skills

Once more, make sure to bend your knees before stepping in and making contact with the ball. Also, work on your timing and aiming skills.

You should enter this time with the foot that is on the same side that you are holding your paddle.

Meanwhile, forehand and backhand dinks will enhance your pace in this sport. Also, you can switch between both drills. Moreover, footwork plays a vital role in your cardiovascular fitness. Though this is a regular game, it has training that requires focus and a combination of many pickleball drills.

Drill # 12 – Practice Volleying

You should practice volleying the ball back and forth drill while standing at the kitchen line without letting it contact the ground.

Meanwhile, here the objective is to really concentrate on practicing a lift on the ball without letting it bounce on the floor.

Moreover, here we are not concerned about hitting straight or scoring points.

Practice your forehand shots and backhand shots with one-handed or two-handed shots. The act of striking the ball before it bounces out of the air on your side is referred to as a volley.

Volleys are frequently utilized more aggressively as part of an attack or as a precautionary measure to an attack.

A strong volley can frequently force an error from your opponent or win the point outright. But when practicing volleying, focus on hitting the ball before it bounces.

Early contact with the ball speeds up play and puts you in charge of the point. Also, this can help create pressure among your rival players. Practicing the proper swing and body positioning for the volley is crucial.

The pickleball games can be one-sided only if you practice volleying battle in the right way. This is a good way to score more points.

Drill # 13 – When to Drive Or Drop shot?

Both drive or drop shots have an important place in a successful pickleball player’s life. You need to master both skill levels. This can provide a better feel grip on your gaming skills.

Every pickleball player’s third-shot drop or drive is crucial for their game. Here, decision-making is required to decide where to drive or drop shots. Practicing can make this ability flourish. So that when you are in court, you can take powerful decisions in no time.

Meanwhile, if the ball is paddle parallel, it’s better to drive it. However, if you think it’s way farther, you can make the shot drop essentially. Your position matters a lot when driving or dropping the shots.

You can improve both drive and drop when you practice on details in regular games.

Now once a player has mastered these key skills, it is time to move further.

A simple drill will enhance your overall style of gaming. But advanced pickleball drills can make your level higher than your opponents. More advanced players need to make sure that they control every shot and make it difficult for the opponent.

Here we are talking about the dinking game. If you want guaranteed success, then you need to practice against all the odd scenarios. This is called in-depth learning. Meanwhile, this will serve as a hard time on the opponent’s head.

Now, this sounds interesting to advanced players, so let’s dive into the tip and trick.

Drill # 14- Drinking Shots(Most important shot)

Once a player has mastered the fundamentals of pickleball, there is so much more to learn here. Drill continues to teach a lot regarding position, control and focus.

Now it’s time to master other abilities like spin and accuracy in order to place the ball precisely.

Dink shot drills are one of the best strategies to refine these abilities and add finesse to your gaming skills.

Meanwhile, dink is a controlled shot from your own kitchen line. Moreover, it is intended to go down after clearing the net. Further, it will settle close to your opponent’s feet in the no-volley zone is called a dink shot. This makes it difficult for the other player to address such a shot. Also, the angle that it lands is difficult to aim so that you can score more points.

While serving, dink shots are helpful as the players have to let the ball bounce and respond with an upward shot. Dink shot is a challenging aspect that needs a skilled player to tackle with.

Dink shots give a hard time to the opponent. Now let’s have a look at how you can make good dink shots with the pickleball drills. Well, there are various types of dinks shots that typically exist.

Being beginners, you can master the given below, which would be enough to give a competitive edge to the other player.

Drill # 15 – Cross-court Dinks

Two players are required for this cross-court dink drill. Meanwhile, instead of hitting the ball straight, you can make diagonal hitting. Also, this will help you to improve your footwork. These are often soft shots that will confuse the opponent.

Because now or then, the player has to move out of their sweet spot. Since when a player stands in one place, there are fewer chances of a mistake.

This drill helps in playing from one side to the other side of the court. Also, you will have fun while practicing these dink shots.

Drill # 16 – Triangle dink drill

Pickleball uses dink shots; however, continually dinking the same point will make your opponent comfortable. So, let’s talk about the other type of dink, i.e., triangle dinks. Meanwhile, the triangle dink will help you to strengthen the forehand and backhand dinks.

When you continue to serve in the same pattern, the opponent might take advantage. So to keep the other person unaware of your shot, a triangle dinking is here. There are three dots which are basically points. You can practice hitting each of these points in an alternate manner.

In this way, the other person won’t be able to make a guess about your next move. The three dots can be confusing for a person to decide as compared to the diagonal serve.

Drill # 17 – Partner Pickleball Drills

The drill helps the most when they represent a real game. Players always have a partner to practice the best pickleball drills for beginners. Since this will provide the exact environment of a real game for pickleball players.

The other server will teach the edges that you need to improve. Thus, we can say that the partner drills are a bit more effective for a pickleball player. Let’s search for the top pickleball drills for partners.

Drill # 18 – Skinny Pickle Drills

To keep the ball inside the court, this skinny pickle ball or skinny singles is here to help you. You will only utilize one side of the court. Meanwhile, you cannot switch sides instead select one side. Now since your field is small in skinny singles, you have to position your ball in the center of the court.

By utilizing the half-court, you will be able to make accurate shots with consistent practice. Meanwhile, this drilling match is challenging since your court has an odd space. Not only do you have to slam, but you also catch the ball at the right time.

Now let’s talk about the other type of pickleball drill.

Drill # 19 – Transition Drills

Speed and agility are two important factors in pickleball.

The transition drill will help you to master these two factors. When you are playing in a court, there are fewer chances that you will stay in the same spot. Instead, you have to change directions now and then.

If you are not able to move fast, then this is a big step backward in your skill level. Thus, don’t waste time and start working on your speed and agility. It would be wrong if you didn’t improve your grip and speed as a professional person.

Running back and forth across your side of the court will increase your stamina, speed, and ability to block a difficult shot. You have to attempt such drills if you want to have a good feeling about your skill level. This will train and save you from surprise shots and make it easier to handle them.

Also, this will be helpful in maintaining your stamina and volley battle.

Best pickleball drills For Beginners Without A Partner

What if you don’t have a partner stand to practice your drills? Two players are amazing to practice game shots but what if someone lacks a partner? Then here we have some pickleball drills without a partner. These simple drills will work in the same way on your skill level.

Shadow drills:

This involves mimicking the shots and movements you would make during a game, but without hitting an actual ball. Shadow drills can help improve your footwork, balance, and positioning on the court.

Wall drills:

Similar to shadow drills, wall drills involve hitting a ball against a wall to practice your shots and footwork. This can help improve your hand-eye coordination, reaction time, and consistency.

Serve and volley:

Practice your serve and volley technique by hitting the ball against a wall and then running to the net to hit the ball again. This drill can help improve your net play and reaction time.

Footwork drills:

Set up cones or markers on the court and practice moving around them in different patterns. This can help improve your agility and footwork on the court.

Target practice:

Set up targets on the court and practice hitting the ball into them. This can help improve your accuracy and control when hitting the ball.

Keep up drills:

Here we have another easy drill to practice on your own. Here you have to keep up your ball in the paddle. Start by placing your ball paddle parallel and then hit it in the air. Here you can practice hand-eye coordination. Additionally, you will be able to carry the weight of the paddle and also aim better for deeper shots.

Also, this will help you to recognize your power shots.

Above all, the drilled shots will provide control to block an attack in the match. All the advanced players recommend on the youtube channel to practice the best pickleball drills.


Meanwhile, here we have listed the best pickleball drill for beginners in the best ways in which you can add finesse to your game. Also, these moving drills will have a positive impact on your game in the long run. If you are interested in the variation of strokes, then these drills will teach you successfully.

Developing skills is a good way to target your weaknesses and aiming the perfect target. If you stick to training then you can learn the basics in no time. Repeat, the usual drills to switch to professional gaming from a beginner. We hope that the course of the article was helpful for you. Do let us know in the comments about your thoughts on the article.


What are pickleball drills?

Pickleball drills are practice exercises designed to improve your skills and technique in playing pickleball. These drills help players develop their footwork, positioning, shot-making, and game strategy.

What are some common pickleball drills for two players?

Some common pickleball drills for two players include groundstroke drills, volley drills, serve and return drills, and dink drills. These drills can be done both in singles and doubles play.

What are some pickleball drills for four players?

Pickleball drills for four players can include doubles drills, such as cross-court dinking, partner groundstroke, and lobbing drills. These drills focus on teamwork and communication between partners.

Are there pickleball drills for large groups?

Yes, there are pickleball drills that can be done in larger groups. These can include drills like king of the court, which is a game that involves rotating players on a court and scoring points based on wins.

Where can I do pickleball drills?

You can do pickleball drills at local pickleball courts, community centers, and gyms that have pickleball facilities. You can also find instructional videos and guides online that demonstrate different types of drills you can do at home or at the court.

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